Boost Sales with Stunning CGI Product Visuals!

Replace your traditional photography and DIY methods with more efficient, cost-effective, and versatile photorealistic CGI imagery and dynamic animations that captivate your audience and drive sales!

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Our Services & Pricing

Our pricing structure is designed for transparency, economy, and ease of use.

We use the following formula to make estimating fees easy to understand. Warning! – algebraic equation imminent! It’s an easy one though, we promise 🙂

Our Pricing Formula

(Product Models) + (Scene Style) + (Optional Add-Ons ) = Complete Project

Product Models:

Product Models are 3D models of your product that are created and used in our product visuals. Once created, they are kept on file and are reusable for any future CGI product visual packages to save you money on your next project.

Scene Styles:

Scene Styles refer to both the format of your visuals (still images or animations), and the environment or background you’d like your product presented in. These styles range from transparent and simple solid color backgrounds for E-Commerce, to complex and detailed environments that tell a story to entice potential customers on social media and your websites landing page.

Optional Add-Ons:

Optional Add-ons are are considered the icing on the cake and are great for that full ad experience. They can include stock imagery, your existing images videos such as User Generated Content (UCG), motion graphics and text overlay for ad copy, and sound effects and royalty free music giving your marketing campaigns that big league production feel. See what we offer below.

Complete Project:

Adding the above elements together brings you to a complete project scope. Learn about all of the benefits there are to using CGI for your marketing campaigns below.

After seeing what we offer below, head over to our “Getting Started” page where we explain the process used to make the development of your visuals both quick and easy.

Product Models

Product Model Pricing

We offer three pricing levels based on model complexity: Basic for simple models, Intermediate, for more detailed models, and Advanced for the most intricate models. This ensures you get the right balance of quality and cost for your specific needs.

All Models Are Created And Include:

  • Your Products Materials & Textures Applied
  • Your Logo & Labels
  • Ready For Use In Our CGI Product Photography & Animation Visuals

(Note: $25 per additional or alternate labels on same model)

Basic Product Models

The types of product models that fall within this category would be simple objects comprised of no more than 1-3 components with no moving parts and that would not be animated to deform. These are typically items that have very little detail in their form or texture such as:

  • Cans & Bottles
  • Tubes & Jars
  • Pouches, Bags & Tetra Paks
  • Cartons & Boxes
  • Blister Packs & Plastic Containers


Picture of a high end frying pan with the top portion showing the mesh model without materials and textures aplied
and the bottom showing it rendered out with materials and textures and lit in a studio style.
Intermediate Product Models

The types of product models that fall within this category are those that are comprised of several parts, have a lot of small details in their form or texture, and/or models that are to be animated to deform or animated in an disassembled view to show details. Some examples of these types of intermediate models would be:

  • Simple Furnishings
  • Jewelry & Watches
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Fashion Accessories 


image of a model of a high end piece of furniture showing the mesh model with the rendered model complete with materials, texture, and lighting below it.
Advanced Product Models

Product Models that fall in to this category would be free form or soft body objects, or items with a large amount of parts and parts with intricate detail, as well as models that are to be animated to deform, or for more complex models that have several animated moving parts. Some examples of these types of advanced models would be:

  • Household Appliances
  • Musical Instruments 
  • Industrial Equipment
  • Interior/Exterior Architecture

Starting At


image of a model of a piece of construction equipment showing the mesh model with the rendered model complete 
with materials, texture, and lighting below it.

Once models are completed, they are ready to be used in your product visualization project.

We also have the ability to work with your pre-existing models depending on what 3D format they were created in.

And the best part? Flexibility! With a completed 3D model you can:

  • Place your models in any future product visuals saving you on your next project
  • Make branding changes at any time in the future quickly and easily
  • Make unlimited A/B versions for testing to optimize your sales

Once you’ve established what type of model your product will require, head to our “Scene Styles” section below and select the environment you’d like to showcase your product within.

Scene Styles

Scene Styles Pricing

We offer Image Scene Styles for our still images, and Animation Scene Styles for our animations. While they may look similar, the creation process for each type varies. The scene styles are tailored to suit the specific requirements of either visual format and are great for social media campaigns, web pages, and print media.

Jump to the appropriate section below depending on the type of visual format you are looking to have created.

Image Scene Style Pricing

Image Scenes come in 3 different styles each serving a purpose for your product visuals. They are Studio which works well for ecommerce applications, Hero, which is great for bold eye-catching ad copy & Lifestyle for ad copy showing contextual usage that tells a story.

What Is Included In An Image Scene Style?

All Image Scene Styles Are Created And Include:

  • 1 of our 3 curated backgrounds of your choice shown below. See example scenes here. (custom scenes available on request)
  • generic 3D prop models to suite the theme of your product and scene. See example scenes here. (custom 3D props available on request)
  • 10 high quality still images of your product of the aspect ratio chosen and from any angle or position you specify
  • Lighting and camera position to highlight your product in a photorealistic manner
  • Optimized for use in web pages and social media
  • Composition to suit space for ad copy
Studio Image Scene Style

Our Studio Image Scene style includes just a product model with a transparent background used to overlay other images, or a simple infinite backgrounds with lighting and shadows highlight details to make your product “pop”! Want to add a dash of color to the background? No problem!


Includes 10 images

(Note: $10 for Each additional image)

image of a wooden chair rendered out and studio lit to illustrate how realistic renders can appear.
Hero Image Scene Style

Our Hero Image Scene Style is your choice if you want to move away from the conventional and is all about adding an extra layer of fascination to your visuals. Our Hero shots incorporate simple in-context or abstract props and keeps that clean look but with creative lighting to add more photographic detail and relief.


Includes 10 images

(Note: $10 for Each additional image)

Skin care line consisting of three bottles rendered to look realistic but defying gravity and floating to show limitless ways to capture 
a potential clients eye with anazing marketing visuals.
Lifestyle Image Scene Style

With our Lifestyle Image Scene Style, your product takes center stage in all its photorealistic glory. Lifestyle shots can incorporate realistic prop models, 3d environments, and both stock imagery and User Generated Content (UGC). Whether you’re aiming for a picturesque interior scene or exterior scene, these elements add an extra layer of authenticity.


Includes 10 images

(Note: $10 for Each additional image)

Photorealistic render of a burlap sack of coffee with the finished product packaging sitting on top of it as a marketing visual
using cgi product photography.

Looking for something different from our three standard image scene styles or the generic props included? No problem! We can give you a custom quote based on your specific needs.

If you are looking for Custom 3D Prop Models (see below), we can quote whatever you need to make your scene that much more special.

Animation Scene Style Pricing

Animation Scenes come in 3 different styles based on the intended use and look you are wanting for your product visuals and suite any budget. They are Simple which is a budget-friendly option to quickly grab the eye, Moderate, which is great for showing your product from many angles & Complex giving your visual that big-budget Hollywood look where the sky is the limit!

What Is Included In An Animation Scene Style?

All Animation Scene Styles Are Created And Include:

  • 1 of our 3 curated backgrounds of your choice listed below complete with standard 3D prop models they may include
  • generic 3D prop models to suite the theme of your product and scene. See example scenes here. (custom 3D props available on request)
  • 6 seconds of high quality animation video of your product of the aspect ratio chosen and from any angle or position you specify
  • Lighting and camera position to highlight your product in a photorealistic manner
  • Optimized for use in web pages and social media
  • Composition to suit space for ad copy
Simple Animation Scene Style

Our Simple Animation Scene Style is well suited for studio style animations that involves animating the product model for simple movement or rotation, animating the camera position and depth of field, and the positioning of the lighting to provide interest and realism with shadows and color. This is a quick, easy way to catch the eye to an already amazing shot.


(Minimum 6 Seconds)

(Note: $80 for Each additional second)

Moderate Animation Scene Style

Our Standard Animation Scene Style involves scenes containing several other animated and non-animated product and prop models and elaborate backgrounds ranging from interior and exterior scenes to outdoor settings with natural elements like grass, trees, water, natural sunlight etc.


(Minimum 6 Seconds)

(Note: $80 for Each additional second)

Complex Animation Scene Style

Our Complex Animation Scene Style involves everything listed above plus any animations and physics simulations to any and all prop objects and background elements. This scene type is mainly for clients wanting that huge production look for their product and branding. “Lights, Camera, Action!!!!!”


(Minimum 6 Seconds)

(Note: $80 for Each additional second)

Looking for something different from our three standard animation scene styles or the generic props included? No problem! We can give you a custom quote based on your specific needs.

Optional Add-ons

What Are Optional

Add-ons are optional elements that are added to your product visuals if you are looking for that big budget look and sound found in full commercial ads. These are highly customized elements and are quoted on a project-by-project basis. If you’d like to add any of our following add-ons to your visuals, let us know and we’d be happy to include it in your quote.

What Types Of Optional Add-ons Do We Offer?
  • Social Media Ads And Sales Copy
  • 3D Motion Graphics & Text
  • Animated 3D Logo Creation,
  • Sound Design, Sound Effects, Voice-overs & Subtitles
  • Incorporation of any images, Video, & User Generated Content (UGC)

Complete Project

The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts

Having reached this stage you will have had a custom model created, it will have been showcased in your desired format and in your chosen scene, and completed with your choice of optional add-ons. Once you have your first CGI project visual complete, you’ll be able to build upon it and benefit from it while saving time and money in the future.

What Are The Benefits Of A Complete Project?

The biggest benefit besides having a complete product visual to begin using for your marketing campaigns is the amount of time and money you’ll save when you require any future changes or iterations to your imagery or marketing campaigns. Those benefits include:

  • Having Your Product Model On File And Ready For Revisions To Rebranding And Labeling
  • The Ability To Have Your Product Models and Visuals Repurposed Quickly And Economically
  • The Quick Iterations Of Sales Copy For Special Offers Or Occasions
  • The Option To Upgrade From Photography To Animations Using Existing Product Models And Scenes